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Kanawha Valley Campaign

West Virginia - 1861

After Carnifex Ferry, the Confederates retreated to Sewell Mountain. Rosecrans tried to trap them but Floyd eluded him. Nonetheless, the Union now controlled the Kanawha Valley.

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Previous Kanawha Album: page 3 of 3

mountain golf course trees kanawha falls professor poland
Early morning at the Golf Course at Hawks Nest State Park, Anstead, WV Kanawha Falls, WV
mountain scene walking two men
View from Sewell Mountain, West Virginia Exploring the Confederate Position, Sewell. Mountain
man in straw hat plaque on boulder group of students
NVCC Class, Advanced Civil War
Dappled Shade of a Straw Hat Site Where Lee Camped, Sewell Mountain

man with picture

Previous: Cross Corners and Carnifex Ferry

Copyright 2006. Photos taken by Linda Walcroft.



Professor Poland's book covers the Kanawha Valley Campaign

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